I have been using essential oils for over 2 years now daily. Yes DAILY! They have changed my beauty routine, house cleaning routine, and everyday health and wellness routine. I am a complete BELIEVER of their miraculous abilities that its time I share with you all I...
“Auto” means self; so, “autoimmunity” basically means your immune system takes aim at itself. Autoimmune disease is the third most common category of illness in the United States. Autoimmune disease is an umbrella term for dozens of...
Diffusion works by distributing essential oil molecules through the air. Once in the air these molecules are inhaled and come into contact with nerves that send them directly to the brain. This is a QUICK and SAFE way of letting the essential oils go to work for you!...
Real Food Real Fitness Blog Hey everyone! It that time of year again -> WINTER! Sometimes I get hit with a cold or just occasional sniffly congestion from dry air and the heat running. I wanted to share a quick holistic home remedy tea I drink to get rid of a...
The holiday baking season is officially upon us! Cinnamon is a popular spice that flavors MANY holiday favorites such as gingerbread, pumpkin pie, and even cinnamon rolls. But did you know that Cinnamon is incredibly healthy for us maybe even a superfood spice!...
It seems ever since I had baby #4 many of my old chronic aches and pains have resurfaced mostly in my neck and back. Fluctuating Hormones, lack of sleep, holding/wearing baby and nursing my babe on demand day/night definitely contributes to these annoying and...