diffuser-300x200 My BEST Health Investment YET!!!!!

I have been using essential oils for over 2 years now daily.  Yes DAILY! They have changed my beauty routine, house cleaning routine, and everyday health and wellness routine.  I am a complete BELIEVER of their miraculous abilities that its time I share with you all I have experienced.

I am slowly going to be blogging and posting about my favorites but I will start here with my diffuser and starter kit because thats where it all started!  

I was just like you reading all the posts online about essential oils and grew curious. Mostly because I had young kids at home and many mothers were speaking up and sharing how the oils were helping to soothe and heal colds/coughs and shorten the duration of sickness. I reached out to a friend who was a distributer and she recommended I try the starter kit. At $160 I was not sold until she told me all it had to offer!

By purchasing your own Premium Starter Kit you get a complete introduction to the world of essential oils. This specific kit includes Young Living’s Dewdrop Diffuser™, which can be used as a humidifier, atomizer, and of course a diffuser of essential oil aromas. With its beautiful design and options of four hours of continuous diffusions, soothing light control, and automatic shut-off, this diffuser will help TRANSFORM your home, office, or gym into a spa-like environment. SERIOUSLY!!! 

In addition to this wonderful diffuser, you will also receive Young Living’s Premium Collection of TEN (10!) essential oils and blends, featuring the popular, timeless scents of Lavender, Frankincense, and Young Living’s best selling Thieves® Vitality blend among many others. Actually the whole kit is valued at $350 if you buy these oils individually.  

With that said I WAS SOLD and never looked back!

Thieves has been a game changer in my home!  Most recently from stopping the spread of the stomach flu. Before if one child got it in our house then the whole house would eventually follow suit. NOT ANYMORE.  Since diffusing thieves and putting it with a carrier oil on my littles feet when sickness hits I STOP the virus in its tracks!!!  Its amazing!!!!!

I have so many more personal testimonials  I am going to be sharing to YOU! I also want to offer you a chance to purchase the same starter kit I have to get YOU started!  Like I always say INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH and you won’t be sorry. Health IS the ultimate wealth!

This is something that benefits the WHOLE family!  Click here to learn more or purchase your own starter kit!!!  You will also become a member but that just means you will get 24% of retail pricing of any further purchases.  When I first purchased mine I did not feel the need to become a member but I am telling you its WORTH IT! You WILL be coming back to purchase more oils and you will be SUPER HAPPY to get that discount!

I have no doubt that just like me all of you health conscious friends will be transformed by these amazing oils.  So give it a try! INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH!

Be Well! 🙂

Susie R.

p.s. If you have any questions/concerns please email me at my personal account Sdrahaim@aol.com and I am happy to answer any questions you have.

Don’t waste you money on just any oils.  Young living oils are seed to seal certified and the purest!