Well if this year has taught us anything its that we can no longer sit on the side lines when it comes to our health. Health is not complicated but comes with discipline and most important a health supporting daily routine. Now beyond the quest for healthy living...
Supplement recommendations are ALL OVER THE PLACE right now and it can be very confusing. I’ll admit I have a cupboard FULL of supplements that vary depending on my current health status, seasons, and how I feel day to day. Including supplements into my daily...
Thermogenic foods and some drinks induce heat production within the body and the fuel for this internal fire is fat! Thermogenic aids set into motion the right hormonal events that favor fat metabolism and muscle building vs. fat storage and muscle wasting. Some...
Feeling cold even when you are not necessarily in a super cold environment can simply mean you need to improve your blood circulation – or it could mean more. What causes poor blood circulation? The number one cause is SITTING for to long! We are spending hours...
On average, American adults only sleep 6.5 hours a night. This is far less than the recommended 8-9 hours. “We know that chronic sleep deprivation increases our risk of almost every disease…When we sleep, our brains flush neurotoxins, we consolidate...
Being a mom to four kids we have had our fair share of illness throughout the fall and winter months. My first daughter seemed to get everything from ear-aches to croup. I always cringed when I knew summer was over because that meant “sick” season was...