Its officially the holiday season and its time to get on top of our shopping lists! I’ve searched long and hard to bring you some of the best natural, eco-friendly, organic, healthy, fit and stylish gifts. Enjoy! 1.Essential Oil Diffuser Himalayan Salt Lamp For...
Are you eating healthy, exercising and NOT losing weight? If you answered yes than this post may be just what you need to hear! With so many conflicting ideas (especially if you search the internet) it’s no wonder so many people are confused about what it...
What is a Syphus workout? It is NOTHING that you have ever experienced at any other gym or workout class I can GUARANTEE that! Syphus is the one true sport of exercise! The workout is a unique blend of body weight exercises known as “tasks” to find out how your...
Working out day to day takes a toll on the body. There are numerous benefits of exercise but there is also a cost if you don’t take care of yourself. Most common problems related to long term exercise or everyday high intensity exercise are injury,...
The Paleolithic era is assumed to cover over 2.5 million years ending around 20,000 years ago. The food of this period consisted of lean meats, fowl, fish, eggs, vegetables, nuts and fruit. Our ancestors were lean, tall, strong, fit and in good health. They were...
I am a HUGE breastfeeding advocate and have breastfed all 4 of my children until around age 2 (when they naturally weaned themselves). Fitness is and has always been a HUGE part of my life and that didn’t change while I was pregnant or after. I get a lot of...