Healthy food choices and healthy eating do not need to be complicated you just have to know what to look for! This can be VERY confusing because we are bombarded daily with mixed messages about what IS and what is NOT healthy to eat! The labels we read daily look...
It’s time to confess that I LOVE chicken marsala! If I’m at an Italian restaurant its my go-to dish! That is why I am super excited to share this quick easy recipe with you using the Instant Pot. Its a simple one pot meal that comes together quickly and...
Its TRUE, excess sugar is a REAL health and diet disaster! The sugar industry long downplayed its potential harm and tried to shift the blame to FAT leading to grocery stores full of fat-free sugar LOADED products. Newly released documents show the sugar industry paid...
This Christmas season unwrap a sweet treat and one of nature’s more savory gifts of health. As it turns out luscious, pure, dark chocolate, made from raw cacao and without any additives, is one treat you can indulge in (though not overindulge)! Above all other forms...
I absolutely LOVE This time of year! The sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of the holiday season are meant to be celebrated. I especially love the warmth and love of family this time of year brings! It’s time to cozy up with your favorite peeps and enjoy some...
Wow, its mid October already and I have officially begun Halloween prep! My kids have picked out their costumes and parties are getting planned and organized. I actually LOVE Halloween and so do my kiddos! The big question I get almost every year is…. DO YOU...