Anyone who has been on a “diet” knows the typical advice for weight loss is to reduce the overall amount of calories consumed and start exercising. But a new study published in JAMA has shown that people who cut back on added sugar, refined grains and...
Children learn what they live! It’s our job as parents to teach our children that health is wealth! ~ Learning about nutrition and developing healthy habits can have a profound impact on your child’s long term health and overall wellness. ~ Healthy homes are stocked...
New Year new diet fads everywhere! It always happens and this year is no different. Everywhere you look its keto, KETO, K.E.T.O. !!!! What is the keto diet and is it really worth trying? Lets first talk about what KETO is NOT! It’s NOT the Atkins diet It’s...
Its officially the holiday season and its time to get on top of our shopping lists! I’ve searched long and hard to bring you some of the best natural, eco-friendly, organic, healthy, fit and stylish gifts. Enjoy! 1.Essential Oil Diffuser Himalayan Salt Lamp For...
I don’t know about you but on the days that I do Syphus Training (High Intensity Interval Training) ALL.DAY.CONSTANT.HUNGER is an understatement! No seriously though, my appetite is taken to a whole new level!! My body is in need of some serious nutrition and...
Are 6 small “mini” meals really better for your metabolism than 3 solid meals a day? NO! Just the opposite is true. In the hopes of weight loss and keeping metabolism revved up some people believe eating 4-6 “mini” meals or grazing is the way...