Children learn what they live! It’s our job as parents to teach our children that health is wealth! ~ Learning about nutrition and developing healthy habits can have a profound impact on your child’s long term health and overall wellness. ~ Healthy homes are stocked...
Getting ready to travel for the holidays? Holiday Parties? Hosting? Cookie exchange? Extra Holiday Cheer? It can be really tough to stick to your health goals this time of year but here are some tips to help you survive and thrive during the holiday! Workout everyday!...
I don’t know about you but on the days that I do Syphus Training (High Intensity Interval Training) ALL.DAY.CONSTANT.HUNGER is an understatement! No seriously though, my appetite is taken to a whole new level!! My body is in need of some serious nutrition and...
Are 6 small “mini” meals really better for your metabolism than 3 solid meals a day? NO! Just the opposite is true. In the hopes of weight loss and keeping metabolism revved up some people believe eating 4-6 “mini” meals or grazing is the way...
You guys I am so excited to share with you this amazing way to improve the quality of your coffee to power up your workout! If you are anything like me eating a heavy meal early in the morning before some intense working out is out of the question. The problem is that...
Are you a FAT burner or a SUGAR burner? And does is matter?? A sugar burner is someone who uses sugar/carbs for fuel/energy. A fat burner is someone who uses their body’s own fat storage for fuel/energy. If its your goal to improve your body composition by...