Kids just like adults can truly benefit from incorporating probiotics into their daily diet. Probiotic rich foods such as raw sauerkraut, raw kefir, PLAIN organic yogurt, kombucha, sour pickles, raw cheeses, and miso soup are all LOADED with good bacteria that help keep a good balance in the gut. Certain Supplements are a great source of probiotics also.
I take a daily probiotic but with my own kids getting them to swallow a tablet everyday was NOT easy or pleasant so I found another way….
What is liquid Coconut Kefir Water?
Coconut kefir is both lactose-free and gluten-free. It’s simply coconut water that has been fermented with kefir grains. Coconut kefir supplies your gut with lots of beneficial bacteria that improve your immune system, digestive system and fight infection. Plus its in liquid form and my kids take it right off the spoon!
More Coconut Kefir Water Benefits
- Immune booster
- Digestive Aid
- Allergy and Asthma Remedy
- Extra Potassium benefits (1 serving contains as much potassium as 4 bananas!)
- Contains as many as 100 billion active probiotic cultures
- Encourages healthy elimination and discourages constipation
- Can help restore the gut after taking antibiotics
- Can help restore the gut after a bout of diarrhea related illness
INNER ECO Brand coconut water tropical flavor is the brand that we have come to love in our household. Just 1-2 Tablespoons a day does the trick and my kids love the bubbly tangy flavor! You can find it in the refrigerator section of most Health food stores.
Try it and let me know what you think!
Be Well 🙂
Susie R.
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