Ahhh yes Monday is here again.  If your like me you may have a counter full of sticky notes full of “to do” lists.  Monday is actually my favorite day of the week.  I feel like I get a new fresh start every time Monday comes around.

How am I going to tackle the week and make it even better than the last?  Taking the time to set your week up by scheduling exercise and prepping meals and snacks will set you up for success.

 monday-300x212 Preparing Your Week For Success.

Here are 3 tips you can easily start today.

1. Kitchen prep!

Clean out your fridge from last week and get rid of old meals and any old produce. Go through your cupboards and get rid of any processed foods.  Once you do this bringing groceries home and putting them away is much more enjoyable. Next,write out what meals you plan to make through the week and figure out what you will need to get through the first few days.

Go grocery shopping with that list and stick to it.  Get plenty of fruits and veggies for snacking.  Once home take the time to cut up celery/ carrots or rinse the berries you bought and put them out in a bowl. I mentioned this before but we use one of our produce drawers in the fridge for raw nuts/seeds.  I keep it stocked up with a good selection. Doing these things will make for quick grab healthy snacks and help keep you on track with healthy eating.

2.  Snack prep!  

Cut up carrots, celery, peppers, or whatever veggies you like and put them in a bowl right in the front of the fridge.  When its not quite lunch time but you need a little something you will have an easy healthy option to snack on.  I ALWAYS have a snack with me.  It never fails I am in the car with the kids or we make one extra stop and my stomach starts growling or the kids are saying they are hungry.

In my car I like to keep a bag of walnuts/almonds, grass-fed beef jerky and an apple or banana. I never leave the house without a healthy snack in hand to stock in my car or purse. This simple action can make a huge difference and tame hunger so you can make healthy food choices when the time comes.

3. Schedule your workouts!

Schedule your workouts for the week and have them up on the family calendar.  Plan ahead for babysitters or whatever you need to do to exercise.  My calendar states my exercise plan for the day along with all other daily tasks that need to get done.  My husband clearly see’s this and so do my kids.  So when the question is asked “what will be doing today?”, I can point out on the calendar, “mommy has an exercise class at 7:30 this morning and after that we will go to the park” or whatever the plan is.   Its just a part of everyday and has become routine, so it works!

So there you have it!  3 simple yet effective tips to get your week off to a great healthy start!   Happy Monday 🙂

Be Well! 🙂

Susie R.