Who doesn’t want great abs, right?! Well abs don’t come easy for most (especially after 4 babies) but they are important to keep strong not just for looks but for injury protection. A strong core is the foundation for a healthy sound body.

IMG_19321 My Favorite Ab Exercises to Get Nice Tone and Definition (with pics)!

Crunches are usually the go-to exercise for ab work but it turns out that really they are not that effective. There are lots of exercises that actually work BETTER than crunches to truly tighten your midsection and build core strength.

Here are a few of my favorites…….

Squat jump (see video)

IMG_6734-150x150 My Favorite Ab Exercises to Get Nice Tone and Definition (with pics)!






Obliques on the exercise ball

oblique-exercises My Favorite Ab Exercises to Get Nice Tone and Definition (with pics)!

photo via Facebook Fitness Training Team




Kettle Bell Get up Sit up

IMG_1823 My Favorite Ab Exercises to Get Nice Tone and Definition (with pics)!




Planks any and all variations such as plank jacks, side planks, plank walks

Slide1 My Favorite Ab Exercises to Get Nice Tone and Definition (with pics)!


How about you? What’s your favorite AB exercise?

Be Well!
Susie R. 🙂