Summer and keeping the kids busy after a few weeks can get tricky. You have gone to the pool, gone to the park, maybe even taken a camping trip so far but some days you just need some idea’s to keep all your kiddo’s happy and playing together nicely. So here is an idea I want to share with you! We did this just this week and it was a huge hit with all three of my girls! Mid week boredom be gone! Plus we picked a little “cooler” day with a nice breeze flowin and that helped.
My kids and I grabbed the bucket of chalk and took to the driveway. I created for them an OBSTACLE COURSE full of running, hopping, jumping, tippy toe balance beam walks,jump rope,jump over the “monster” in the lake,hop on one foot,quick razor scooter run,bear crawls hopscotch and (phew!) walking backwards. Ya sure I maybe got a little “over” creative but hey I wanted to make sure they all had fun things they enjoyed and would be motivated to do.
All 3 kids participated in the making of the course by drawing the monster in the lake, numbering the hopscotch and drawing some of their own unique last final touches. We set it up start to finish with arrows and “roads” pointing the way with activities throughout. The finished product was AWESOME!
The kids each took turns going through the whole course and cheering eachother on. Then my oldest daughter asked if I could time her and this started a whole new adventure! Each of my kids went against their own time (not eachother) and tried to better it. They had so much fun trying to beat the clock and they were seriously out of breath each run on the obstacle course.
All in all we did this activity for about 1.5 hours. Kids were happy and got plenty of vitamin D + exercise. I was happy because kids were all getting along, keeping active, playing outside, and we spent some good fun quality time together.
Next time you get a lull in your day and getting to the pool or park seems like too much of a hassle get creative, get outside, and try making YOUR kids a fun obstacle course to keep busy, have fun, and spend time together!
Happy Summer
Be Well! 🙂
Susie R.