Summer is here! With that usually comes a few road trips, vacation, camping trip, etc .  We go up north in the summer to my mom’s house on the Lake.  Its a great time and I look forward to it.  But I also plan ahead so that we do not throw all our healthy living habits out the door.  Here are some  ideas to keep you on track while still enjoying vacation!

  1. Plan snacks ahead when taking a road trip.  I pack the kids lunches in their lunch box so we don’t have to stop.   I cut up veggies, apples, and pears and have them ready to eat.  Also raw nuts, nut butter packs, homemade pop corn,  grass fed beef jerky, peeled baby cucumbers, cut up raw cheese, coconut flakes, and even homemade granola or trail mix. I pack all this up in a grocery bag in the back seat so as soon as someone says “I’m hungry or I want a snack”, we have healthy options.  Avoid convenience stops at all costs and vending machines!  Here is a pic I snapped of my snacks in the car from a recent road trip we took.  Cherries, Cucumber, sprouted pumpkin seeds, olives, and almonds.  I snacked all the way home and did not feel a bit crummy from these whole food snacks!                IMG_1552-225x300 How I stay healthy - even on vacation!!
  2. On your way in or soon after you arrive at your destination stop at a grocery store.  If you have a fridge great! If not then just pick up fruits and veggies that can be put out.  I stock up on bananas , apples, carrots, celery, oranges, coconut water/milk, almond butter, brown rice cakes, and plain oatmeal.  If I am at a place where I can cook I will get some meat, eggs, and greens for salads.  I try to eat as few meals out as possible.  Usually if I can get my kids to eat some oatmeal in the morning mixed with almond butter and a piece of fruit thats one less meal we need to eat out.  I have been known in hotel rooms to use the coffee maker to boil water and then add that to gluten free oats I have brought and add in a almond butter pack.  My kids are perfectly happy with it!   I will also try to cook dinners too if I can and have access to a kitchen.  Even if its not every night its better than eating out every single night.
  3.  If you do eat out and splurge on a meal be sure to make the next meal a light one.  If you had a heavy dinner than the next morn keep it light with some fruit and nuts/seeds , balance out the heavy meals with lighter ones.
  4. Bring along a multivitamin, fish oil (fermented cod liver oil is my choice), and probiotic.  This way whether you overindulge on some meals or are just eating out of the norm you are filling in the missing gaps you have in your diet while on vacation. This is not an excuse to just eat junk! These vitamins will assure your body gets the recommended daily dose of vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids and probiotics help keep your stomach in line!   IMG_1266-150x150 How I stay healthy - even on vacation!!
  5. Yes sorry but I am going to say it….EXERCISE!  Nothing is worse than that feeling when you arrive home after a long trip  and you have to unpack all your crap and try to get back on track after days of no exercise and overeating and drinking, YUCK! So I avoid it all together by keeping up with exercise.  Even if its every other day.  It does not have to be your usual boot camp or whatever you do.  It could be a walk with a few sprints, finding some trails with hills and walking at a fast pace, even just doing some sit-ups and push-ups.  Just do something!  It always makes me feel better when I continue to exercise on trips.  I don’t go all out like a home workout but I usually will go for a run and I bring along my trusty exercise band.  This way I can work my arms.  Its light and easy to pack!   IMG_1521-1024x1024 How I stay healthy - even on vacation!!
  • Trips shouldn’t mean disaster to your healthy lifestyle.  Just be aware of your food choices, exercise, and don’t forget sleep helps keep you on track too! Don’t stress but also don’t turn into a garbage can when on Vacay! 🙂  Happy 4th of July !