Lets get this straight…Food is Fuel! If you are an athlete the food you choose on a daily basis can help develop the power and endurance you need to thrive and take your workouts to the next level. To fuel for workouts—and recover afterwards—it’s important...
Anyone who has been on a “diet” knows the typical advice for weight loss is to reduce the overall amount of calories consumed and start exercising. But a new study published in JAMA has shown that people who cut back on added sugar, refined grains and...
Getting ready to travel for the holidays? Holiday Parties? Hosting? Cookie exchange? Extra Holiday Cheer? It can be really tough to stick to your health goals this time of year but here are some tips to help you survive and thrive during the holiday! Workout everyday!...
I don’t know about you but on the days that I do Syphus Training (High Intensity Interval Training) ALL.DAY.CONSTANT.HUNGER is an understatement! No seriously though, my appetite is taken to a whole new level!! My body is in need of some serious nutrition and...
Are you eating healthy, exercising and NOT losing weight? If you answered yes than this post may be just what you need to hear! With so many conflicting ideas (especially if you search the internet) it’s no wonder so many people are confused about what it...
You guys I am so excited to share with you this amazing way to improve the quality of your coffee to power up your workout! If you are anything like me eating a heavy meal early in the morning before some intense working out is out of the question. The problem is that...