Hey everyone! I am so EXCITED to share with you that I am officially a Young Living oils distributor! Hooray! I have been using YL essential oils for over 3 years now but it never dawned on me to get into the business side of it all. I made this decision after a light bulb went off one day when I was using some oils to treat a nasty case of shingles I developed last winter.
What started out as a small rash in my arm pit turned into what the dermatologist said could be 3 long months of burning itching shingles breakout and it was advised I go on an anti-viral medication. I was nursing at the time so I knew that was out of the question! Then I started to research essential oils and shingles. I used a combo of lavender, tea tree oil, and ravitsara 3 x a day topically and within a week (I am not kidding) the rash began to go down and spreading was stopped in its tracks. Within 3 weeks of this the shingles were gone with ZERO lingering itching or pain. I have never had shingles before but from what I hear this is literally a miracle to get rid of the virus so fast. Coincidence? I DON”T think so! The EO surely helped the healing process!
I have seen the amazing benefits countless times before in my home with helping ease croupy coughs to stopping the spread of stomach viruses but it never dawned on me until my own personal experience with the shingles issue to get behind these amazing products and sell them!!!! I call that a “God-wink!”
I stand behind YL essential oils 100%!! I use them personally and in my home daily! I want YOU to be able to experience all the same benefits I have been! I also want it to be easy for you to get your hands on these oils that I will be talking about often! I have set up an “essential oils” tab on my website where you can learn more and purchase. Plus, Young Living has the best and most affordable starter kits out there. They make it easy for a newbie to get started!
“What do I actually do with Essential Oils?”
That’s most people’s question when they get started, but oils quickly get incorporated into daily life. People diffuse oils daily to uplift spirits or help cranky toddlers sleep. They use Thieves oil at the first sign of cold or cough. They use them for sinus pressure, aches and pains, fevers, blotchy skin, headaches, hair loss, eczema, sun spots, sore throats, athlete’s foot, and we could go on.
Are you curious about Essential Oils?
If so, give Young Living a close look. One of the most popular ways to get started is sign up as a distributor and get their Premium Starter Kit with the diffuser. This is the EXACT ROUTE I took. You get all the basic oils to try.
But WARNING…you will be hooked!!! 🙂
Kit includes:
- 5 mL bottles of the following essential oils:
- Lavender (for skin irritations and relaxation),
- Peppermint (for muscle soreness and digestive issues),
- Lemon (for detoxification and cleaning),
- Frankincense (for youthful skin and spiritual connection),
- PanAway (for pain and inflammation),
- Peace & Calming (for relaxation and good sleep),
- Thieves (for immunity and colds/flus),
- Purification (for mold/fungus/infections),
- Valor (for spinal issues and snoring)
- Joy (for happiness and love)
- A home diffuser (a $96 value. I use mine daily.)
- A bonus oil! 5 mL bottle of Stress Away (I LOVE this oil. My favorite scent by far
- Aroma Glide roller fitment (to turn any oil into a roll on)
- 10 sample packets total of Lavender, Peppermint, Peace & Calming, Lemon, and Thieves for travel or sharing with family and friends
- 2 NingXia Red 2-oz. samples (a yummy antioxidant supplement)
Again if you are interested please message me or check out the page for yourself. I view the initial starter kit as truly an investment in health and wellness! Or if you are ready to go for it and start experiencing these oils for yourself you can order right through my website.
- Go to www.realfoodrealfitness.com
- click the yellow box Essential Oils
- Scroll down and click the “membership” box. (Don’t worry this is NOT signing you on to anything extra you will just be able to get 24% discount on any and all future purchases)
- click the continue box on the bottom
- click the premium starter kit
- click continue enrollment “next”
- Fill out name and shipping
- payment
- Boom you are done!
Be Well! 🙂
Susie R.