Body-achieves-what-the-mind-believes--300x300 3 JOHN 2

I am a work in progress but I have always felt being in good health and being fit was a calling to help others. Once I grasped that feeding my body with nourishing foods and daily exercise not only changed me physically but SPIRITUALLY -I knew that God had put it on my heart to share this. Since this happened to me I knew it could happen to others.  It was a call of passion and purpose to me that I can only explain comes from above.  A fit and healthy lifestyle is so much more than the surface stuff you see. It goes deep within. You begin to believe in yourself and tap into your inner soul which leads to AMAZING growth.

3 John 2

Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.

 The apostle John is telling us that PHYSICAL health is just as essential as SPIRITUAL health.

Physical health is as important to fulfilling your destiny as your spiritual health.  As Joel Osteen puts it..You can’t be as effective for God if you are out of energy, tired, and feeling bad all the time.  We have to take care of our physical bodies so we can listen and do what God has put in our hearts to do.

So many people today are in a hurry, don’t get adequate sleep, and don’t eat healthily and that surely is NOT the best way to take care of the temple of the Most High God.  Your body is your temple and house for your soul.

GOD created us to be ACTIVE and HEALTHY.  He wants you to be well rested and ready for what he has for you.  God has great things in store, but you won’t be able to accomplish them if your unhealthy and unprepared.

Pray on this and ask God to restore your health and help keep you strong and motivated to get there.  Being physically healthy is not just a good idea, its a good SPIRITUAL idea! 

Instead of jumping on the next diet trend how about digging a littler deeper and find a reason a “WHY” you want your body to be strong and healthy.  Will it help you serve the Lord and find your calling in a more effective way?  Will you be setting a good example for your children and family?  Will you learn to love yourself and spread that love to others?

A true healthy fit lifestyle goes beyond just wanting to lose weight.  Make it your goal to keep your physical and spiritual body healthy so you can achieve all the great things God has planned for you and your life! 

Be Well! 🙂

Susie R.