14Day_Cover-sm 14 Day Plan

The 14 Day Plan

Do you want to change the way you feel about yourself? Are you ready to feel AWESOME, YOUNG, VIBRANT, AND ENERGIZED ALL DAY?  There are thousands of “fitness” plans available but nothing like I have developed for you!!!

In just 14 short days you will develop the habits that will serve you for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! You will learn about REAL food choices and how THIS affects your overall mood and well-being.

You’ll see your body begin to change. You will feel better and have more energy.

OVER $100 WORTH of health & fitness guidance

For just $39!!!!!!

Here is what you can expect when you purchase the
14 day REAL food REAL fitness program…

-A full guided ebook sent directly to your inbox

-My personal guidance and encouragement throughout

-Recipes (how and what to cook) + some of my everyday favorites!

-14 days of menus and eating plans

-14 day HIIT full body burn exercise plan

-Guided workouts

-Post 14 day health tips

-Everything from day 1- day 14 laid out for you!

Don’t miss out on your chance to RESET your body and get on track to a healthier LIFESTYLE and feeling AWESOME!!! 

There is no better time than NOW! Just Eat REAL food! and GET FIT!!!

14Day_Cover-page 14 Day Plan

The 14 day REAL food REAL fitness health program was designed to help you RESET your current ways to something healthier that can last a lifetime!

Whatever brought you to this point it was for a reason. You are right where you should be at this moment. It’s YOUR TIME!

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, are tired of having zero energy, or just want to feel better there is one thing I want you to know. The steps in this plan over the next 14 days are just the START of a healthier lifetime journey!

IT TIME NOW to unlock the key that will RESET your body and mind to staying fit and healthy for the rest of your life!!

DISCLAIMER: The information on www.realfoodrealfitness.com is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. www.realfoodrealfitness.com assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this website, and such information is subject to change without notice.

You should not rely upon or follow the programs or techniques or use any of the products and services made available by or through the use of this website for decision making without obtaining the advice of a physician or other healthcare professional. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this website with other sources and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

Real food Real Fitness and Susie R. are affiliated with several different brands and companies. This means that sometimes if one of my links are clicked or a certain code is used, I may make a commission. This is used to help run and support my blog! All my opinions are exclusively my own. Thank you for all the continuous love and support!

Photos Courtesy of Yamille Branch Photography & Lesley Mason Photography