
Here you can find my best recipes all in one place! If you see something you like, try it out and leave a comment. Thanks!

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Tasty Kale Chips

Children learn what they live! It’s our job as parents to teach our children that health is wealth! ~ Learning about nutrition and developing healthy habits can have a profound impact on your child’s long term health and overall wellness. ~ Healthy homes are stocked...

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Crispy Marinated Chicken Thighs

Here’s a great weekend recipe for you to try ! It has been a hit on my FB and Insta page so I'm posting here on the blog so you can have it on hand! These crispy marinated chicken thighs are To.Die.For and Whole30 + Paleo approved!!  Bonus... my kiddos loved them!...

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Maple Cinnamon Roasted Pecans

It's holiday time and these candied pecans will satisfy your sweet tooth without artificial ingredients or refined sweeteners. Plus they add an extra boost of healthy fats from coconut oil. Pecans are rich in magnesium, and...

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Winter Roasted Veggie Soup with Chicken and Lentils.

Winter always calls for warm nourishing soup. I love soup because it can be made super healthy with superfood ingredients PLUS you can feed a crowd when you make a big pot! I am super excited about this recipe because I literally just threw this together to use up...

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Pumpkin Pie Thanksgiving Morning Breakfast Muffins

Thanksgiving morning is one of my favorite days of all. Since I can remember we would head downtown to the Thanksgiving parade and somehow my dad would always have an amazing spot for us to sit and view. We would sip hot cocoa and enjoy the splendor of all that this...

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Green Beans and Lamb Stew

I recently posted this picture of my dinner (which I do often do) on Instagram and was blown away by the requests for the recipe. I LOVE getting feedback from YOU my loyal readers so I am so happy to share this delicious family favorite! Let me first just say this...

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Pumpkin Protein Power Balls(Paleo,dairy-free)

These Pumpkin Protein Power Balls (ha! say that five times in a row!) taste just like pumpkin pie! They take less than 15 minutes to prep, and are super wholesome and nutrient dense! Not only are these power balls loaded with protein and healthy fats; they also...

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What Exactly Should I Eat To Be Healthy?

Healthy food choices and healthy eating do not need to be complicated you just have to know what to look for! This can be VERY confusing because we are bombarded daily with mixed messages about what IS and what is NOT healthy to eat! The labels we read daily look...

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Homemade Protein Bars (paleo,primal,non-gmo)

Exercise and a post workout bar or shake go hand in hand these days.  Protein bars are big business and growing.  Enter any health food or vitamin store and you will find aisles dedicated to all sorts of protein bars. Most all brands are very deceptive claiming to be...

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Contact Me

If you have any questions on nutrition, fitness, or anything health related, please reach out and we can chat! Please use this form and I'll be sure to get back to you very quickly.

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You should not rely upon or follow the programs or techniques or use any of the products and services made available by or through the use of this website for decision making without obtaining the advice of a physician or other healthcare professional. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this website with other sources and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

Real food Real Fitness and Susie R. are affiliated with several different brands and companies. This means that sometimes if one of my links are clicked or a certain code is used, I may make a commission. This is used to help run and support my blog! All my opinions are exclusively my own. Thank you for all the continuous love and support!

Photos Courtesy of Yamille Branch Photography & Lesley Mason Photography